The team at eutema builds on a broad background of technical capabilities and year-long experience as research managers, scientists, EU contact points and project managers. We provide personal contacts to the EC and national institutions in research and technology.
Erich Prem (CEO)
eutema founder and CEO DDr Erich Prem is a technology and innovation consultant specializing in topics of ICT, Artificial Intelligence, innovation and digitization. DDr Prem holds doctorates in technical sciences (Vienna University of Technology) and philosophy (University of Vienna), an MBA in general management from Donau-Universität Krems, and a degree in informatics (TU Wien). He was a scientist at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AI Lab in the United States. He is the author of more than 70 scientific publications.
DDr. Prem has worked in many national and international research projects as a scientist or project leader, including more than 20 for the European Union’s research and innovation action Horizon 2020. Previously diesel watches replica india, he was the Head of Unit Information and Communication Technologies at the Bureau for International Research and Technology Co-operation in Vienna, the Austrian expert in the European Union’s Information Society Technologies and the programme manager for the Austrian ICT research program FIT-IT. Furthermore, DDr. Prem is an IT research evaluator for the European Commission. He also is managing director of IEA II Beteiligungen GmbH active in private equity.
For further information about Erich Prem, have a look at his personal website!