Welcome to eutema, the expert for strategic technology management.
Since 2001 we have developed strategies in the area of technology development for our clients. We successfully realize these strategies in co-operation with our European partner network. Our clients appreciate our technical competence as much as our two-decades of national and international experience. We develop research, innovation and technology strategies and policies, manage complex technology initiatives and plan and realise international research projects.
We support industry in developing and realising complex research projects, provide consulting in national and EU-funding schemes and support them in the strategic orientation of technology policy in Austria and the EU.
For our clients in the public sector, we develop research strategies, manage research programmes, and maintain communication with a diverse range of target groups.
In the area of research policy and technology policy, we perform evaluations of technology initiatives and research programmes and deliver strategic technology studies. Our contacts with companies and public authorities in Austria and the EU provide rapid access to partners, projects, and financing.
Yehuda Elkana Fellowship Lecture & Workshop 2021, June 24th, 2021 16:45-19:00 CEST. Central European University Vienna. Worskshop session 4: ‘Future Needs Wisdom’. Private event – by invitation only. https://www.iwm.at/upcoming-events.
The New EU Proposal for AI Regulation, June 8th, 2021 17-18:30 CEST. Online. TU Wien Digital Humanism lecture & discussion featuring DG CONNECT’s Head of AI Policy Irina Orrsich. To participate over Zoom: https://tuwien.zoom.us/j/96389928143?pwd=UU5YRkNuRmdoWHV4MFBwMWRCcUErdz09
(Password: 0dzqxqiy). Pre-registration not required. More information at https://dighum.ec.tuwien.ac.at/.
German language events: Digitization Strategy Workshops with Salzburg Museums, June 2021. Online. Private events. Burgen & Schlösserverwaltung (TBA), Domquartier June 1, Haus der Natur June 1, Mozarteum June 2, & das Salzburg Museum June 2. More information about the Digitalization Strategy https://www.salzburg.gv.at/kultur_/Documents/Landesmuseen_DigitaleStrategie.pdf
Maximizing Impact: Make your proposal stand out, May 26th, 2021 9-12:00 CEST. Online. Workshop for the TU Wien Innovation Incubation Center’s Engine’s of Innovation for Scientists series. Open ONLY to TU Wien researchers and scientists. Registration and more information at bit.ly/3hRxoZp
Innovating your Business with AI – Experiences and Exampes from Practice, May 5th, 2021, 14-15:30 CEST. Online. Collaboration between special interest groups on AI and Innovation Management at Innovationsledarna and ISPIM. Open to individuals willing to actively participate in the discussion. Registration at bit.ly/2Qv6kUo
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